Carl Thomas Gladstone

Crafting goodness.

Text me and let’s work together
to create a better world.


Become a patron

Help launch music, story and conspiracy projects with Carl today!

Patrons receive digital downloads of all Carl’s archive of work, an inside look at upcoming projects, plus songs and poems based on upcoming themes for faith communities. Jump in for as little as $2.50/month.


why & how

Carl Thomas Gladstone believes that bringing about wholeness and goodness in the world takes craft and artisanship.  Making the world a better place, and helping people be better goodness-makers takes time, patience, inspiration and a community to see the work through.  Carl's pracitces of goodness-making are:


Carl's music is meant to lament the brokenness and call forth healing for the world.  This music is completed when listeners become enactors of the glimpses of goodness they hear and sing along to.  MORE


Conspiring with others to make justice, love and mercy real in the world is where Carl gains insight and inspiration into what a healthy and whole world could be.  MORE


Great stories are all around us.  Carl's hope is that we can all learn to retell them well so as to engage the world in their promises.  MORE



Carl writes music, tells stories and crafts communities as a discipline of justice-seeking and disruptive spirituality.  He hopes to engage people of faith and of no faith in deep questions and rich stories that matter for the world.