EP to Studio to The End of Human Trafficking
Over the past few months I've been getting ancy to get the Abolitionist Hymnal out in a form that can be both useful and good to listen to. So the plan currently is to release this digital EP and to use the procedes to do two things:
1- $6 out of every ten will go to support the ongoing work of local summertime interns in the City of Detroit who are working to combat the root causes of modern day human trafficking.
2- And $4 will go to support a full studio version of this music with original Abolitionist Hymn rewrites PLUS remixes from some of my favorite musical friends.
I hope you'll either donate are share the names/emails of 5 friends who'd be interested in being partners in this project. Also, if you have friends you'd like to hear remix some Abolitionist tunes, let me know who they are and we'll see if we can't make some beautiful music together!
Looking forward to the revolution.