The Dymond Hotel

Met tonight with Trista and Nick Dymond, co-conspiritors in the Abolitionist Hymnal, at their house near Clarkston.  Had a great time talking music, community, parties, and even some geek stuff.  All three of us are eager to begin our weekly sessions piecing together the songs for the project.  We'll be gathering and perfecting the ones already written (see some here) along with writing some new ones.

But we realized also that we're probably going to need your help in gathering up more freedom songs to repurpose to fight human trafficking today.  So, below is a list of what we're looking for, please send along the duly credited texts or link to them on the net.  And thanks for joining the anti-slavery movement!

Looking for:

1) Song texts from the 19th Century abolitionist movement - preferably texts that lend themselves to singing in Christian worship services, 

2) We realize that some songs need some editing to fit with today's realities of human slavery.  If you find some energy and time to edit a text, please do and send your edited version along!  We just ask that you send along the original also so we can see the comparison.

3) It's important that we're working with public domain texts, please check out this web site to learn more about that designation.

In the near future we'll be looking for graphic artists, web developers, and other music biz folks who might like to offer some of their expertise as well.  For now, though, have fun scouring libraries, old churches, the internet, or wherever you might find some good anti-slavery hymns!
