“what are key concepts that would be helpful for kids to know before middle school?”

  1. God loves you no matter what. (prevenient grace)

    1. SOL Café at Ann Arbor First UMC

    2. Identity, Gender/Orientation, Social Stratification

    3. Guilt/Shame

  2. Jesus calls everyone to be our best selves in sharing love, justice, mercy, witness.

    1. Peter the Blockhead

  3. Church (community and practices) is something you make not just something you receive or consume.

    1. Spiritual practices help God’s story unfold as we age

    2. Our ability to engage others in those practices is evangelism

    3. Inviting others into these communities and practices gives them life and a future, and gives us a sense of being part of an ongoing movement

PS - This means young people have to be agents of our churches, crafting the daily atmosphere and the missional agenda.

“How can kids min and youth min leaders work together to create a bridge from elementary to middle school?”

  1. Intentional Trajectory K-12 (including Confirmation, Mission Trips, Youth 2023)

  2. Anona Kids - a flagship, regular engagement, let’s each participate in age appropriate ways https://youtu.be/8zfWwBbOZuw?t=176

  3. Mentor structure that is enduring throughout

“How are we intentional so kids don’t disappear after they leave kids min?”

  1. In-Person introductions! Like connecting HS Seniors with college campus ministries. Albion FIT.

  2. Ask parents to commit through HS.

  3. “I want to be just like that cool youth!”