James and His Dragon

© 2008 Carl Thomas Gladstone

Hand in hand
the evangelist and his dragon
stroll along their picket line
swapping tales
lamenting lost souls
singing hymns inside

Brothers in hoods and stoles
Brothers of conviction
Of conclusion, if not motive
Brothers of church and coven

The White Nights
and Committee on Abomination
hadn't planned a joint protest
But since they shared
one common affirmation
saving money on the gas seemed best

A tertiary
splitting at the curb
of good news and depraved
A yellow line
between the klan and church--
conflators of the cross and flame.

Morning marches
give way to picnic lunches
'nilla wafers, milk, and tuna on white bread
While James and Dragon
twirling 'round and 'round the day
share one glum side of fence

dedicated to JVH III